I would like to propose the following dates and milestones for the first StarlingX release.  All of this is documented at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-planning.  Please review and provide feedback.


Going forward I’d like to figure out how to align with the overall OpenStack release cadence.  That topic will be discussed at the September PTG – you can find the draft agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-PTG-agenda.  Please feel free to add any topics you’d like to see discussed there.




Release Planning


We would like to complete our first release in time to have it available (and be able to talk about how cool it is!) at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin on November 13, 2018.


Proposed schedule

RC1: August 29th

RC2: September 26th - Feature Freeze

RC3: October 24th - Bug freeze - only absolutely critical bug fixes after this

RC4: November 7th - Final release candidate



Theme: Deliver a release of  StarlingX  that supports containers and meets our KPI targets while creating the basic project infrastructure, building the community and pushing carried patches to their upstream communities


Our goals for this release are:


·         Create, define and document all of the basic project infrastructure 

·         Recruit, attract and retain a community of developers and operators

·         Begin the process of pushing carried patches upstream and reducing technical debt

·         Add support for containerized Openstack Services  and containerized workloads (stretch goal!)