Agenda items:
Attendees: Charles Short, Davlet Panech, Scott Little, Linda Wang, Daniel Safta

1. 5.10 Kernel update
    *  Try to bring 5.10 kernel in StartlingX to 5.10.74 (latest)

2. OS Distro
     * Continue to finish the porting & packaging.

3. Debian Migration & Build System
     * Build system, 1 patch left in review, but already build from the master branch.
     * Master branch is less stable, it gets locked up/hang/build errors frequently, and will need to investigate why.  
               * one way to get pass it is to build the environment (including the container from ground up)
                  (1) AI#1:  to investigate the hang/build errors
                * Need patch review: https://review.opendev.org/q/hashtag:%22cengn-jenkins%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)

Next meeting: Nov 10, 2021