16 Oct
16 Oct
4:54 p.m.
On 2019-10-16 23:45:27 +0000 (+0000), Zvonar, Bill wrote:
Hi Cindy - the original list was from Gerrit data.
I assume that these candidates did in fact commit to flock-services repos, but the onus is on those who nominate folks who aren't on that list to provide the justification. [...]
Keep in mind that the list I queried from Gerrit was then filtered by addresses for which there is a corresponding OSF Individual Membership on file, since that's what Ildiko requested. Presumably, if OSF membership is required criteria for voting in your elections, then any new addresses you add will also need to be cross-checked against the OpenStackID Resources API to see if it is associated with an active foundation membership. -- Jeremy Stanley