Agenda/meeting notes are posted here:



Agenda for 04/21/2020


Attendees: Yang, Cosmin, Chris, Nicolae, Bernd, George, Ruediger


·         Sanity Status:

§  Suggest sanity folks to check this manually

§  Command failed: openstack network create --project <project_id> --provider-network-type=vlan --provider-physical-network=<provider_network_name> --share <network_name>

§  May be similar to 1873884


·         stx4.0 testing


§  Centos8: 

·         Used a designer load provided Yong.

·         No baremetal sx/dx yet, cannot check TPM/CX4/5 related test cases.

·         Making progress in setting up sx - still seeing error.

§  Upversion Openstack services used by flock components on host: 

·         Got eng load

o    Executed robot sanity and barbican test cases and results were okay

o    ETA to complete testing on eng load: May 1st

§  Upgrade Containerized OpenStack to Ussuri

·         Yong's team may provide eng load by end of week

§  Windows Active directory in progress

·         Running on Distributed Cloud

§  Red fish virtual media support in progress

·         Completing soon. ETA: May1st week.

§  Kubernetes Upgrade Support in progress

·         ETA: End of May1st week

§  Starting in mid-May. Will pull in test cases.

§  Nic: Some risk in setting up baremetal servers.

·         Simplex is done - waiting for green load to confirm. Took 3-4 days to configure and update.

·         Duplex will be started on Apr 22.


·         Open topic

§  Bill sent out email to OpenDev guys - need feedback on config

·         Suggest to start with simplex in virtual

·         Need to ask how OpenDev does test in the open with virtual on virtual

o    Nic's team will try virtual on virtual to experiment