Agenda/meeting notes are posted here:



Agenda for 04/14/2020


Attendees: Yang, Bernd, Bruce, Mihail, Nicolae, Alex, Oliver, Ruediger, Cosmin, Sharath, Chris


·         Sanity Status:


·         stx4.0 testing

§  Centos8: Started testing. No server with TPM yet, but tested whatever can be done without the actual hardware. No servers with CX4/5 card yet - in progress to set up.

§  Upversion Openstack services used by flock components on host: 

·         Got ENG load - executed several tests. Still in progress.

·         Automation update may be needed due to OpenStack client upversion

§  Windows Active directory in progress

§  Red fish virtual media support in progress

§  Starting in May. Suggest to start pulling in test cases.


·         Open topics

§  Currently, sanity is using robot test cases in Intel's internal repo. Plan is to switch to community repo > then switch to pytest test cases.

§  Bruce still looking for volunteer to help set up the virtual environment to run test in the open

§  Sharath will provide the bug numbers to Bruce to discuss in another forum.