Agenda/meeting notes are posted here:
Agenda for 04/14/2020
Attendees: Yang, Bernd, Bruce, Mihail, Nicolae, Alex, Oliver, Ruediger, Cosmin, Sharath, Chris
Sanity Status:
- Unable to create network without default network_segment_range
- Command failed: openstack network create --project <project_id> --provider-network-type=vlan --provider-physical-network=<provider_network_name>
--share <network_name>
- Provisioning is not completed on baremetal duplex system - further investigation
stx4.0 testing
Centos8: Started testing. No server with TPM yet, but tested whatever can be done without the actual hardware.
No servers with CX4/5 card yet - in progress to set up.
Upversion Openstack services used by flock components on host:
Got ENG load - executed several tests. Still in progress.
Automation update may be needed due to OpenStack client upversion
Windows Active directory in progress
Red fish virtual media support in progress
Starting in May. Suggest to start pulling in test cases.
Open topics
Currently, sanity is using robot test cases in Intel's internal repo. Plan is to switch to community repo
> then switch to pytest test cases.
Bruce still looking for volunteer to help set up the virtual environment to run test in the open
- Static Code analytics tool - bandit
Sharath will provide the bug numbers to Bruce to discuss in another forum.