Hi All,

One of the ideas that came up in community discussion (not the only idea, just one and we can do multiple) for using the packet.com infrastructure was a public sandbox. I think this is a good idea. However, what does that actually mean? It could be a lot of things.

My first thought is that it is a publicly accessible AIO Simplex node that people can easily access and get a feel for what STX actually is, and that is completely reset every X hours. But that's just me so I wanted to check with the community and see what other thoughts are out there.

There are a few ways we could do this as well:

1. A single virtualized instance that is reset every X hours
2. A single baremetal instance that is reset every X hours
3.  Multiple virtualized instances with some kind of reservation system
4.  Other???

#1 would be easiest as that looks a lot like what we are doing for the workshop.

But again, that's just my initial thoughts. Open to ideas/comments/criticisms. :)
