Note: We will now meet on Tuesdays (usually bi-weekly) - the next meeting will be Tuesday Nov 26


Minutes from today’s meeting:


1. Updates on container features.  Four stx.3.0 features not yet fully merged/completed:

    2005937: Intel GPU K8s device plugin support in StarlingX [An Ran]

    2005514: QAT K8S device plugin support in StarlingX [Mingyuan Qi[

        - Main patches for GPU & QAT are in. 

        - Remaining tasks are not gating stx.3.0:

           - Final work item is an enhancement for validation when adding labels

           - This is tracked via:

           - Mingyuan will also have 1 commit to merge that will depend on this commit from Ran.

    2004766: Integrate Distributed Cloud with containers --> only item left is to complete feature test - Peng Peng: what is the forecast? 

        - Answer: Test is complete; this SB will be marked complete today

    2006274: Support authenticated registry for bootstrap and application apply --> only item left is to complete feature test - Chris Winnicki: what is the forecast?

       - Answer: Test is complete; this SB will be marked complete today


2. Updates on subset of stx.4.0 features:

    2006537: Decouple Container Applications from Platform (stx.4.0 feature) [Bob Church]

        - Spec is approved;

        - Currently have 11 commits in review; these need to be re-based this week and then the "8" base commits can merge this week

    2006145: Kata container support [Shuicheng Lin]

        - Request offline update from Shuicheng if final 2 test scenarios are done (IPv6 testing + external registry with username/pwd authentication)

        - Note: plan is to deliver to stx.4.0 once it opens (which should be in 2 weeks)


3. Updates on gating LPs - focus on 6 high priority ones in stx.2.0 and stx.3.0 (only 2 of 6 discussed during meeting):  platform-integ-apps apply failed - tiller on Crash [Austin Sun & Bob Church]

       - Bob's analysis indicates tiller uses fixes grpc ports 44134 & 44135 which have a conflict with ceph-mgr/ceph-mon using those ports

       - Austin's analysis indicates the issues was introduced by 2 of Bin Qian's commits and

       - Austin tested by reverting these and that prevented the issue from occurring.

       - Next step: Will need Bin to revert and work with Bob to identify a solution.  Controller failed to lock following a failover due to elastic pod failure to shutdown [Kevin Smith]

       - Lock can fail if stx-monitor applied and lock is issued on the standby controller shortly after a controller swact

       - Issue is the pod terminate fails due to the pod volume mount not being there

       - Kevin to add a comment to the LP with what he has learned so far and options to address (eg: adding more knowledge in VIM when a lock can proceed or needs to be rejected)


4. Reminder that there are 26 stx.3.0 gating containers bugs and RC1 milestone forecast is Nov 20.  Request LP primes work on their LPs and address as many as possible before the end of the stx.3.0 release.


