
         This is just draft PR for ceph upgrading. Please feel free to give your advices.


           PR 1: change cephfs1 into cephfs2



   PR 2 : ceph13.2.0 need to download new packages :

         PR: https://github.com/shangdehao1/stx-tools/commit/09abdefc37ba70f452c5998390ce167c5cb2d50d


         PR 3: don’t ignore files at compress process. ( TODO : better method to replace it)

         PR: https://github.com/shangdehao1/stx-root/commit/1bedca4609fbca06746f7bbfda27e7023949af37


         PR4: ceph 13.2.0 commit id.




How to create ceph13.2.0 repo

1: wget http://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/packages/ceph/13.2.0/0.el7/src/ceph-13.2.0-0.el7.src.rpm

2: rpm2cpio ceph-13.2.0-0.el7.src.rpm | cpio -div

3: tar -xvjf ceph-13.2.0.tar.bz2

4:modify ceph.spce

1: disable python3

2: apply the patch to solve the conflict between openstack-keystone and ceph 13.2.0

         3: modify ceph version: namely 0.el7%{?_tis_dist}.%{tis_patch_ver}

    4: modify compress format into tar.gz

         5: disbale some useless package.

                  Ceph debug info package

                  Ceph dashboard

                  TODO: refer to stx-ceph, to disable more package.


Next step:

         1: for PR 3, at compress process, still ignore this useless files, but for ceph, need to include these files.

         2: in order to speed up building, need to disable useless packages.

         2: integrate stx-ceph patch into ceph13.2.0

         3: testing at runtime.


