Status of the Sanity Test for last LAYERED BUILD - CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2020-February-25<> ( Status: RED =========================================== Sanity Test Bare Metal Environment AIO - Simplex Setup 04 TCs [PASS] Provisioning 01 TCs [FAIL] Sanity OpenStack 49 TCs [BLOCKED] Sanity Platform 07 TCs [BLOCKED] TOTAL: [ 61 TCs ] AIO - Duplex Setup 04 TCs [PASS] Provisioning 01 TCs [FAIL] Sanity OpenStack 52 TCs [BLOCKED] Sanity Platform 07 TCs [BLOCKED] TOTAL: [ 64 TCs ] Standard - Local Storage (2+2) Setup 04 TCs [PASS] Provisioning 01 TCs [PASS] Sanity OpenStack 52 TCs [PASS] Sanity Platform 08 TCs [PASS] TOTAL: [ 65 TCs ] Standard - Dedicated Storage (2+2+2) Setup 04 TCs [PASS] Provisioning 01 TCs [PASS] Sanity OpenStack 52 TCs [PASS] Sanity Platform 09 TCs [PASS] TOTAL: [ 66 TCs ] The following bug is created for the issue with Simplex and Duplex: Regards, STX Validation Team Regards, Nicolae Jascanu, Ph.D. TSD Engineering Manager [intel-logo] Internet Of Things Group Galati, Romania