On 2019-03-14 16:57:09 -0400 (-0400), Andy Ning wrote: [...]
[AN]: As developer I don't install anything, I submit my source code changes to gerrit as review, and Zuul is triggered to run to verify if my change break tox. Where tox runs the tests and what its environment like is transparent to (as least for me until now :)). So I'm not sure how I could do what you suggest.
By "you" in this case I meant developers on StarlingX. Your CI jobs should absolutely not be a black box to you, especially since the job in question is defined in your repository: http://git.starlingx.io/cgit/stx-config/tree/.zuul.yaml#n66 Just a matter of adding "nodeset: ubuntu-xenial" to that job definition. The change which adds it should be self-testing so you'll be able to see in the CI results whether it worked or not. -- Jeremy Stanley