[Starlingx-discuss] [TSC] Minutes from 4/25 meeting and PTG
Hi all; The OIS summit has wrapped today. Lots of great interest in StarlingX, we will provide an update to the ML shortly. We won’t be holding at TSC meeting on May 2nd as the PTG kicks off for StarlingX at noon here in Denver. The wider community is very interested in the work we are doing. For those of you attending the PTG – we will be kicking off the StarlingX session at noon – please bring your lunch or eat before. The agenda is here : https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-ptg-agenda TSC minutes - 4/25/2019 PTG Agenda (Brent), https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-ptg-agenda Curtis - FYI - https://edgeapplicationdeveloperhackat.splashthat.com/ Sponsored by Intel, at Facebook. Interesting in terms of edge. Can we get linked into this somehow? Board meeting slide deck (ildikov): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tY4JqnlHnPMo9qB0U12nbz8OZ4ATOghntpJv... target noon between noon EDT - PDT for final draft Shenzen Hack-a-thon - read out Ildiko and Shuquan attended 20 people attended from China Unicom, China Mobile, Fiberhome, ZTE, Intel, 99Cloud, Bug fixes posted to Gerrit New requirements from Users identified Will look for future meet-up opportunities in China Cross community collaborations, Edge WG STX was very popular - at the event - Zuul 3hours to back out an issue Can we look at the specifics https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655542/ The flock-devstack-config job failed in the gate pipeline the first time through with a POST_FAILURE. DevStack ran to completion with no errors. This is a test infrastructure issue and we are debugging it. The suspected message in the logs is during devstack/playbooks/post.yaml: http://logs.openstack.org/42/655542/1/gate/flock-devstack-config/b5401da/job...: 2019-04-24 21:07:42.508531 | controller | ERROR 2019-04-24 21:07:42.509787 | controller | {2019-04-24 21:07:42.509910 | controller | "msg": "Timeout (32s) waiting for privilege escalation prompt: " 2019-04-24 21:07:42.510038 | controller | } Curtis - FYI - Ran the STX workshop in Toronto last night, about 15 people, recieved some good feedback and have made some changes Dry run for workshop - Wednesday PM workshop - Wednesday PM
participants (1)
Jolliffe, Ian