[Starlingx-discuss] Provisioning changes to host interface commands
This is a heads-up that a commit https://review.opendev.org/#/c/661655/ for the story https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2004273 will soon be merged. It impacts the configuration procedure and may also impact automation. The '--networks' parameter is removed from the host-if-add and host-if-modify commands. Use interface-network-assign command to assign a platform network to a platform interface. Use interface-datawork-assign command to assign a data network to a data interface The wiki will be modified to reflect these changes. For AIO-SX, current syntax: OAM_IF=enp0s3 system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -c platform --networks oam becomes OAM_IF=enp0s3 system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -c platform system interface-network-assign controller-0 $OAM_IF oam For Standard and AIO-DX, current procedure to reconfigure the platform interfaces for after bootstrap, source /etc/platform/openrc OAM_IF=enp0s3 MGMT_IF=enp0s8 system host-if-modify controller-0 lo -c none system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF --networks oam -c platform system host-if-modify controller-0 $MGMT_IF -c platform --networks mgmt system host-if-modify controller-0 $MGMT_IF -c platform --networks cluster-host becomes source /etc/platform/openrc OAM_IF=enp0s3 MGMT_IF=enp0s8 system host-if-modify controller-0 lo -c none IFNET_UUIDS=$(system interface-network-list controller-0 | awk '{if ($6 =="lo") print $4;}') for UUID in $IFNET_UUIDS; do system interface-network-remove ${UUID} done system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -c platform system host-if-modify controller-0 MGMT_IF -c platform system interface-network-assign controller-0 $OAM_IF oam system interface-network-assign controller-0 $MGMT_IF mgmt system interface-network-assign controller-0 $MGMT_IF cluster-host For data interface, current syntax: system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data0 -d ${PHYSNET0} -c data ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID} becomes system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data0 -c data ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID} system interface-datanetwork-assign ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID} ${PHYSNET0} Regards, Teresa
participants (1)
Ho, Teresa