[Starlingx-discuss] [MultiOS ] Team meeting 9/23/19
Meeting notes are here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-multios Multi-OS team meeting - 9/23/2019 Agenda: opens: - What is our end of october milestone? to have the configuation complete in openSUSE as it is in CentOS. openSUSE: - opensuse specs on gerrit - maintenance - complete - next: use sysinv example in the _service file add a line <param name="revision">refs/changes/86/679686/3</param> osc localrun / osc build - config - complete - HA - Hardwire dependencies of specific versions of packages - OpenSUSE flock bring-up - Systemd cleanup for CentOS - NFV - WIP - Fault - complete - next step is integration with OBS following sysinv example - https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/Cloud:StarlingX:2.0/sysinv/_ser... - setup -n https://opendev.org/starlingx/config/src/branch/master/sysinv/sysinv/opensus... - how to manage services' dependencies like: database with specific schema, interfaces, hostname controller-0 - prefered method: don't write own scripts, try to enable same configuration that is happening in centos (ansible and puppet) - seems that puppet doesnt exist in obs ecosystem - review this http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/puppet/ - to-do: provide a list with missing puppet rpms, or confirmation that all dependencies are met. Yocto: - working on bring up other services not starlingx, ex: kubernetes
participants (1)
Rosales Jimenez, Marcela A