[Starlingx-discuss] Notes: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 1/30
Agenda & Notes for 1/30 meeting: 1. CentOS 7.6 update and testing plan (Shuicheng/Ada/Numan) Two patches to fix last-minutes bugs pending review & merge: https://review.openstack.org/633870 https://review.openstack.org/633872 Test ISO shared to GDC test team. Jason is building image w/ code in feature branch. Issues found fixing w/ two pending patches. Ricardo: working on lab setup w/ different NIC cards. main config is 2+2+2 bare metal, duplex config as well. List of tests intended to run has been sent out. Numan: still wating for ISO from Jason - expect to be done today... Opens: 2 wks test cycle, to be done before Feb 22nd. So CentOS 7.6 feature branch will be merged after container cut-over. We can do some containerization work in f/centOS7.6 and check if it works. Theortically we don't touch common code. 2. Ceph upgrade status and transition plan (Vivian/Changcheng) After refactoring Ceph-python-client and change the OSD puppet file, 2 OSD can be created on storage node and daemon can be run on storage node. Changcheng is prepareing the hand-over patches to Ovidiu so that he can continue the work during CNY. The required repo list has been sent. Branch created by Dean, based on latest master (not old commit ID). Changcheng will upload all lcoal patches before Friday. Cherry pick those uploaded patches in Master and re-do it on feature branch. Yong: progress made on top of Changcheng, sm and puppet scripts updated, 2 mon on controller-0 and 1. Ceph-mgr can be run on both controllers. REST plug-in is functional. Yong believes that his change won't break StarlingX configuration in SM and no HA feature broken. Please post your patches on feature branch, they are on-top of Changcheng's patch. 3. Python2to3 update (Austin) Most of the story has been done. last one is stx-config for sysInv UT merged 10min ago. Another one is stx-distcloud-client which Victor is still working on this. after CNY, we will continue the Python3 verification for Stein. 4. DevStack remaining task planning (Yi) May release: stx-config; stx-ha; stx-nfv, stx-fault and stx-metal, 5 projects. We still have 10+ services to be bring up. mainly in ha, nfv and metal, plan to finish them by M3. AR for Yi to create tasks under each story for the missing services. 5. Opens (all) No meeting next week - I am going to send out cancellation for next week. -----Original Appointment----- From: Xie, Cindy Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:27 PM To: Xie, Cindy; 'Khalil, Ghada'; Sun, Austin; Somerville, Jim; 'Rowsell, Brent'; Liu, ZhipengS; Wold, Saul; starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io; Shang, Dehao; Waheed, Numan; Troyer, Dean; Jones, Bruce E; Lin, Shuicheng; Zhu, Vivian; Hu, Yong Cc: Hu, Wei W; 'Seiler, Glenn'; Gomez, Juan P; 'Chen, Jacky'; Perez Rodriguez, Humberto I; 'Young, Ken'; Cobbley, David A; 'Waines, Greg'; Arce Moreno, Abraham; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; Lara, Cesar; Perez Carranza, Jose; 'Hellmann, Gil'; Armstrong, Robert H; Martinez Landa, Hayde; Martinez Monroy, Elio; Fang, Liang A Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting When: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 6:00 AM-7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: https://zoom.us/j/342730236 . Cadence and time slot: o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM) . Call Details: o Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/342730236 o Dialing in from phone: o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 o Meeting ID: 342 730 236 o International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ed95sU7aQ . Meeting Agenda and Minutes: o https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-distro-other
participants (1)
Xie, Cindy