[Starlingx-discuss] TSC meeting notes Sep 23 2020
9/23/2020 * Bruce will be out of the office for the 9/30 meeting. It is a holiday in China as well. Cancel the TSC meeting for next week. * Release proposal: * Summary: Change the release plan to do a 4.1 release in January'21 with the content that can hit that schedule. Defer the Py2->3 and CentOS update work to the 5.0 release in Jul'21. * Hao suggests following this cadence going forward - one big release and one X.1 release per year * How does this affect the maintenance timeframe(currently 12 months)? (ildikov) This is not a change to the release maintenance commitment, just a change to the release number and content. * add SNMPv3 Support https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008132 * Confirming meta-starlingx will be added to gerrit * Limited Cores may initially have single +2. * Thanks to the team who met this morning to discuss the Ceph/Rook changes - please share a readout with the community.
participants (1)
Jones, Bruce E