[Starlingx-discuss] Weekly project team call notes
Here are the notes from today's call, which can also be found on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status brucej Agenda and Notes for the Sep 19th call * PTG Update o Review comments on the draft Feature Dev process (Bruce) ? Ian to take the first shot at a Spec template (in the spec repo) o Review comments on the Governance draft (Bruce) ? Bruce (and team) to review Dean's comments o New Multi-OS sub-project (Bruce) ? Bruce to start up wiki page, arrange call with Ildiko. Brent, Saul, Cesar, Yong, Scott, Abraham, Victor all possible team members. o Containerized Services update (Brent) ? Brent to update the team at next week's call - needs 60 minutes o Project de-coupling update (Brent) ? Next step is to split/decouple sys inventory, break down into inventory and config mangement. Spec to come shortly. o Investing in StoryBoard development (Bruce) ? Looking for volunteers to help with the SB Web UI and add content. o Edge WG Update / slides (Greg) o Update from discussion with the OpenStack User Committee (Ian) ? How do we want to work with the broader OpenStack community? Beginning of the dialog. * Update from the OpenStack BoD meeting - Dean o No big surprises. Proposal made for how to manage strategic initiaitives and pilot projects. Focus areas and pilot projects are not strongly connected, no focus area governance model (yet). We are a pilot progress and within 18 months will be reviewed by the BoD who will decide if our project is viable/active/open. o Proposal made to add a new "Silver" Foundation membership level. * Release status (Ghada) o We reviewed status of features and bugs. Bug count is 15 for the release. Teams have queries for their bugs on each wiki page. Features are mostly on track, but we're going to delay the qemu upgrade to 3.0. o We need to help Ghada with bug triage. Ada can help. Other volunteers for the virtual team welcome! Brent to help. Another volunteer whose name I missed. * Forum session proposals (ildikov/gwaines) o https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/StarlingXBerlinForumBrainstorming * CentOS 7.5 update - ready to merge? Yes - approved to merge. Dean to rebase one last time from master. * stxb tool - feedback, concerns, status... (Cesar) o To be discussed in more depth at the Cores call tomorrow. * Status from other teams / issues * Help needed?
participants (1)
Jones, Bruce E