[Starlingx-discuss] [TSC] 6/3 minutes
Election update (ildikov) 3 valid candidates -> we are skipping the formal vote Election officials to add a summary of the learnings from this round of elections, to make the process go easier for all See emails from Ildiko for more details starlingx/deploy repo for Ansible playbooks (mpeters-wrs) all good to move forward - repo will be owned by config team R3 feature prioritization (brent) how do we want to proceed? for prep for StarlingX - R3 Release in November - agreed Send list to ML Baseline list - Python 3, etc Test Culture Discussion (Ian) We agreed that when the R3 branch is opened, we will shift to a mode where Unit tests will need to be delivered along with new code. We will need to build out frameworks and build on prior work with DevStack - plugins are available (at various stages of completion) We discussed adding to the contributor guide to make sure that test aspects come out clearly and help reinforce the culture we are working towards. More discussions/posts to mailing list to come FYI (curtis)- Some interesting discussion @OPNFV https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/PROJ/Project+Proposals+Airship PSA - versioning proposal coming from Saul - towards a spec to follow
participants (1)
Jolliffe, Ian