[Starlingx-discuss] [ Test ] Meeting notes - 08/20/2019
Agenda for 08/20 Attendees: Elio, Richo, Al, JC, Jose, JP, Maria P, Numan, Cristopher, Fernando, Yang, Yong 1. Final regression status - Elio, Numan https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FxrwgivQCG3Ksvqm46zhKILJlZtucsNxGYG4... Elio - 6 test cases missing. Unblocking tests cases from regular regression. Networking - one test case failed. Fixed pushed to stx.3.0. Numan - 13 tests remaining, to be finished by EOW 13 launchapds to be verified Send an email if any help is required. 2. Feature testing - Jose Helm overrides - completed. Ironic - Mingyuan send a patch, but it's not in the RC ISO. The config is set, but we are not able to deploy VMs. Working with Mingyuan on this. 3. Sanity status - Cristopher Still green. In Today's RC sanity for standard config, a swact was executed and this is not expected. Happened on Virtual and Bare metal. Re-running in order to verify it. Master - will be run after we finish RC sanity. The failure: Multiple Local registry: 500 Server Error cause application-apply errors - was because of our infrastructure (DNS) Platform sanity is normally green - issues remaining Neutron dhcp not coming up after lock unlock compute host neutron-l3-agent and neutron-dhcp-agent never recovered after force reboot After active controller reboot, VM boot up failed with error "Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling" RPC timeout error when creating barbican secret on host-bulk-add after controller-0 is up - is not a blocker. simplex subsequent unlock failed (traceback KubeAppApplyFailure) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1840351 (to be fixed in 3.0) Fixed - Configuration out-of-date alarms on storage nodes since fresh install 4. Testing frameworks - Running Pytest suite - Elio Having problems with local environment - could be related to mix of python versions. A mail to Yang will be sent to the mailing list. Robot suite in public repo - Jose Please help with the review - https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:starlingx/test Added Al to the reviewers. 5. Opens Ada - unified sanity. Still working on the comparison on both sanities (WR and Intel). No big progress on this one. Yong - suggest to schedule a meeting between Mingyuan and Jose in order to finish the Ironic debug. Numan - for stx.3.0 - dates looks tight. The timeline is very aggressive. Let's raise the concern in the release meeting (Thursday) Regards Ada
participants (1)
Cabrales, Ada