[Starlingx-discuss] [ Regression TRAIN testing - stx3.0 ] Report for 11/21/2019
StarlingX 3.0 Release Status: ISO: BUILD_ID="20191115T023000Z" from (link<http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/centos/20191115T023000Z/outputs/iso/>) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL TRAIN EXECUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Results: Total = 55 Pass = 39 Fail = 5 Blocked = 0 Not Run = 11 Obsolete = 1 Deferred = 0 Total executed = 44 Pass Rate = 88.6% Formula used : Pass Rate = (pass * 100) / (pass + fail) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATED TRAIN EXECUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Results: Total = 105 Pass = 85 Fail = 20 Blocked = 0 Obsolete = 0 Deferred = 0 Not Valid = 0 Total executed = 105 Pass Rate = 80.9% Formula used : Pass Rate = pass * 100 / (pass + fail) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more detail of the tests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JNln3k4b_g8_xXv-9JHwYWq-njP_OwjOrYmz...
participants (1)
Perez Ibarra, Maria G