[Starlingx-discuss] Minutes: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 11/15
Agenda & Notes for 11/15 meeting: 1. non-OpenStack patch refactoring status (Zhipeng/Shuicheng) 79 meta patches have been removed by the refactoring work; and more to come after we start working on 4 remaining tasks. 2. kernel driver upgrade testing update (Ada/Shuicheng) lacking of server w/ QAT feature. asking GDC local teams. some problem of HW PCI card detection. May have HW issue due to they are not production version. will find right HW. DRBD patch also require NIC driver. no problems with installation so far: load the driver. Pending the testing until we get the 2nd server. more test plan on top of the test cases from Numan. installing Duplex, reboot and launching VM, live migrations, etc. hopefully we expect the test results by end of next week. use the ISO Ada have to get the test plan, test environment ready; Shuicheng can provide 2nd ISO with drivers rebased to the latest code base. 3. Python2to3 non-openStack status brief (Austin) for Flocks project, we have 4 projects not fully implemented: nfv, config, ha & integ still not fully p3 compatible. we may need to add more stories for the 3rd party sRPM P3 readiness and the solution how to address them. Review the complete picture in next meeting. 4. Ceph upgrade status (Vivian/Dehao) Scott provide new option: Option2.4 with detail suggestions for the build_srpm scripts. did some quick investigation and proved the option works from Dehao's side. - use base code from stx-ceph 13.x staging branch - write ceph custmization scripts: srpm_build - in this scripts, call ceph tools for preparation work. - change the last commit ID question: if we follow this option2.4, no impact to the build process current have, which was the original concern from Brent; Scott also do not prefer to use srpm directly, and that's why we need to build srpm by ourselves. still meet some technical issue for example failed to download submodules, still need Scott's technical support to ensure the path can work smoothly for Ceph team. Dehao to continue working w/ community to address the patch concern and upload new patch sets. status from Changcheng regarding patch rebase: 42 patches in total with 32 patches ported to v13. Other 10 patches have been abandamed. Can create PR against staging branch and mark it as "WIP" so that WR engineers can provide early feedback regarding the patch porting work; Changcheng can also send emails to ML to seek feedbacks. 5. 2019.03 release content, any additon? bare-metal support through Ironic: is this feature part of StarlingX? We'd like to have the feature in 2019.03 if this is not yet. 6. Opens (all) None -----Original Appointment----- From: Xie, Cindy Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:27 PM To: Xie, Cindy; Wold, Saul; 'Rowsell, Brent'; Jones, Bruce E; Troyer, Dean; 'Khalil, Ghada'; Waheed, Numan; Lin, Shuicheng; Zhu, Vivian; Shang, Dehao; Liu, ZhipengS; Hu, Yong; Sun, Austin; Somerville, Jim; starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io Cc: Perez Carranza, Jose; 'Hellmann, Gil'; 'Waines, Greg'; 'Chen, Jacky'; Armstrong, Robert H; Perez Rodriguez, Humberto I; Martinez Landa, Hayde; Martinez Monroy, Elio; Hu, Wei W; 'Seiler, Glenn'; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; Gomez, Juan P; Lara, Cesar; Young, Ken; Arce Moreno, Abraham Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting When: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:00 AM-7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: https://zoom.us/j/342730236 . Cadence and time slot: o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM) . Call Details: o Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/342730236 o Dialing in from phone: o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 o Meeting ID: 342 730 236 o International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ed95sU7aQ . Meeting Agenda and Minutes: o https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-distro-other
participants (1)
Xie, Cindy