[Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX Logo Concepts

James Cole james at openstack.org
Wed Aug 8 21:44:57 UTC 2018

Hi everybody, 

Thanks for your feedback on the logos last week! Concept 1 was the clear winner based on your comments, so I’ve been playing around with colors. The attached document (also on Dropbox <https://www.dropbox.com/s/mgiu2qwtdiyrvqg/StarlingX_Logo_Colors.pdf?dl=0>) shows two color combinations sampled from colors from this starling image <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hildebrandt's_starling#/media/File:Lamprotornis_hildebrandti_-Tanzania-8-2c.jpg>. The logo works in both one or two colors and on dark or light backgrounds. There are a few mockups in the document as well. 

Please let me know if you like the purple or yellow versions better, or if you think we should try any other colors (these don’t have to be the final colors if you aren’t drawn to either of the options). 

Thank you!

James Cole
Graphic Designer 
OpenStack Foundation

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