[Starlingx-discuss] Agenda and notes from our project call Aug 29 2018

Jones, Bruce E bruce.e.jones at intel.com
Wed Aug 29 17:26:10 UTC 2018

Agenda and notes for the 8/29 meeting

  *   LinuxCon Vancouver demo happening today - Bruce to share deck (Done)

  *   Multi-OS support update
o    Intel team to accelerate a Clear MVP - early prototype
o    Python2->3 work should continue, Cindy to update existing stories as to which will be targeted for October release
o    Glance & Cinder (Pike) are not Python3 compatible yet.  AR Bruce to get with Vivian.

  *   CentOS 7.5 upgrade update
o    Upgrade should continue for Oct
o    Test build expected EOW
o    Out of tree drivers & Ceph can remain at current

  *   Release plans - teams should be locked and loaded - issues/blockers?
o    Docs team meeting today to finalize plans
o    Devstack team status?
o    Networking team meeting tomorrow

  *   Bug handling - how is LP working for us?

  *   Sanity test result reporting - update
o    daily results to be posted to the wiki each day, logs to be posted in a separate repo.  We do not have a healthy ISO - build is failing in a yet to be debugged way.  Yesterday's build was sucessful we should have results today.

  *   stx-gui update
o    WR has some devs working on commits into stx-gui and another dev helping with integration.  We need to ramp people up on the Intel side who can address configuration issues.

  *   Relevance of  "?_tis_dist"  and  "tis_patch_ver"  variables in RPM spec files.
o    These would be the last items to remove once all patches are cleared.
o    What is the reason for these changes in packages that don't have patches? Share a list on email please so it can be discussed.

  *   Updates from teams
o    Documentation - Bruce to update in email later today
o    Security - had our first meeting Monday morning.  Discussed process with Jeremy from OpenStack.  Short term focusing on how to handle embargoed (pre-patch) issue discussions.  Please treat any possible security issue as private and embargoed.
o    Build
?  Working to make the build more efficient - both automation and documentation. Scott's spec for improvements is a great model for how to document a new feature (spec).
o    Test

  *   PTG planning - ildikov
o    Edge Computing Group draft agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/EdgeComputingGroupPTG4
o    Suggestion to put timelines on STX PTG agenda and send out to broader list (openstack dev and edge computing)
o    Is there interest in enabling remote participation in the STX PTG meeting?

  *   Forum Selection Committee - ildikov - Greg to be our volunteer

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