[Starlingx-discuss] Proposal: Basic development guidelines / rules

Arce Moreno, Abraham abraham.arce.moreno at intel.com
Thu Jun 21 20:53:38 UTC 2018

> > What is the usual way in OpenStack to review a proposal of a change?
> You push it to Gerrit.  Often times people will put  [WIP] at the beginning of
> the commit message to indicate it is not ready to be merged but you want
> comments or want to run the test jobs against it.
> There is also the "Workflow -1" (aka -W) that you can put on your own review
> that has the same effect.  And comments are always helpful to clarify intent.
> Except for the -W part we can do exactly the same thing in the github repos.

Understood Dean! Thanks!

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