[Starlingx-discuss] [build][meetings] Meeting minutes 11/1/2018
Scott Little
scott.little at windriver.com
Wed Nov 7 15:43:19 UTC 2018
Ok, I'll repo sync and try a new Docker. I'll run these exact commands.
My previous docker was over a month old. Perhaps the difference lies there.
For the first pass I'll run using the bug fix in
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/615316/ . I would like your eyes on
that review.
On 18-11-07 10:16 AM, Cordoba Malibran, Erich wrote:
> We have seen this behavior in two different systems.
> The script is run in this way:
> cd stx-tools/centos-mirror-tools
> docker build -t stx-mirror -f Dockerfile .
> docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/localdisk stx-mirror ./download_mirror.sh
> After run the script, this is what git reports:
> On branch master
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
> Changes not staged for commit:
> (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
> (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/make_stx_mirror_yum_conf.sh
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Debug-6
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-OpsTools
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SCLo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Virtualization
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Security-6
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Testing-6
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-Cloud-SIG
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-DOCKER
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27-primary
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27-second
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC28
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC29
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpms_3rdparties.lst
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpms_centos.lst
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/rpms_centos3rdparties.lst
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/tarball-dl.lst
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.conf.sample
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.2.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.3.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.4.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.5.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-EPEL-7.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs-seed_centos_org.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs_centos_org.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_download_docker_com.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_epel_blizoo_mk.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_ftp_iij_ad_jp.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_linuxsoft_cern_ch.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_www_rpmfind_net.repo
> deleted: centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_CentOS-OpenStack-queens.repo
> On Tue, 2018-11-06 at 16:33 -0500, Scott Little wrote:
>> I can't reproduce this, with or without https://review.openstack.org/
>> #/c/615316
>> Where you in the container when you ran mirror_downloader.sh? In
>> directory /localdisk?
>> Scott
>> On 18-11-06 11:51 AM, Martinez Landa, Hayde wrote:
>>> Hi Ken!
>>> We tried mirror_downloader.sh on our Jenkins automated environment
>>> and also on
>>> my local environment and when it finished running we noticed that
>>> the following files were moved:
>>> this ones were sent to: “/localdisk/output/stx-
>>> r1/CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64”
>>> -rpms_3rdparties.lst
>>> -rpms_centos.lst
>>> -rpms_centos3rdparties.lst
>>> -tarball-dl.lst
>>> Same with “yum.repos.d” were sent to: “CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/”
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.2.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs_cento
>>> s_org.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_download_docker
>>> _com.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_CentOS-OpenStack-
>>> queens.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_epel_blizoo_mk.
>>> repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_linuxsoft_cern_
>>> ch.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.3.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs-
>>> seed_centos_org.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_www_rpmfind_net
>>> .repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.4.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-EPEL-7.repo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX_3rd_ftp_iij_ad_jp.r
>>> epo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/noarch/yum.repos.d/StarlingX-Centos-7.5.repo
>>> And finally rpm-gpg-keys sent to: “CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64”
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27-primary
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SCLo
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Debug-6
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Security-
>>> 6
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-
>>> OpsTools
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC29
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-DOCKER
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-
>>> Virtualization
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC27-second
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-FC28
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Testing-6
>>> CentOS/pike/Binary/x86_64/rpm-gpg-keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-Cloud-SIG
>>> Is this the expected behavior?
>>> I’m currently finishing the build with this mirror, will update
>>> once it’s done.
>>> Best
>>> -Hayde
>>> From: "Young, Ken" <Ken.Young at windriver.com>
>>> Date: Monday, November 5, 2018 at 2:43 PM
>>> To: "Lara, Cesar" <cesar.lara at intel.com>
>>> Cc: "starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io" <starlingx-discuss at lists
>>> .starlingx.io>
>>> Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] [build][meetings] Meeting minutes
>>> 11/1/2018
>>> Cesar,
>>> A quick update on the mirror. The tooling to enable the mirror was
>>> merged on Friday. The Wind River used the mirror over the week-end
>>> for its builds with no issues.
>>> How have your builds gone since Friday?
>>> /KenY
>>> From: "Lara, Cesar" <cesar.lara at intel.com>
>>> Date: Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 6:58 PM
>>> To: "starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io" <starlingx-discuss at lists
>>> .starlingx.io>
>>> Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [build][meetings] Meeting minutes
>>> 11/1/2018
>>> Build team meeting minutes 11/1/2018
>>> Attendees
>>> Ken, Jason, Scott, Memo, Erich, Marcela, Victor, Chuy, Cesar, Luis
>>> Cengn Status
>>> -Mirror is now completed and operational, the wiki has been updated
>>> with the details for Cengn and our partnership, the details and
>>> specs are already there.
>>> -The scripts that are related with mirror download are now pointing
>>> to Cengn repos and are waiting in the queue to be reviewed tested
>>> and merged, the desired date for fully operational mirror is
>>> November 5th
>>> - Now changes to the packages required to build will be caught by
>>> Cengn mirror within one day, the scripts will try to download first
>>> from Cengn and if is still not available will try to go get the
>>> packages from upstream.
>>> Koji follow up
>>> -presentation on a possible scenario hosting Koji and demo on using
>>> Koji based built packages with our current build scripts.
>>> -discussion followed up by implementation details led to different
>>> points of view about the problem we have to solve if there’s any,
>>> the amount of effort to integrate tooling as we know Koji doesn’t
>>> solve every use case by itself and where to host a Koji service(we
>>> are striving to host a centralized service for the whole
>>> community).
>>> -The statement we are using to follow thru with Koji versus our
>>> current script is that we will require a lot of effort to support
>>> multi OS with the current tools.
>>> We had to defer the topic of mirror script refactored using Python.
>>> We will start a thread on the goals this team has for next release
>>> on the mailing list.
>>> Regards
>>> Cesar Lara
>>> Software Engineering Manager
>>> OpenSource Technology Center
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