[Starlingx-discuss] Incomplete Launchpads

Zvonar, Bill Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Thu Aug 8 01:23:51 UTC 2019

Lately, I've heard the comment "there are too many 'Incomplete' launchpads" more than a few times.

Looking at the current list [0] of 'incomplete' bugs that are gating for stx.2.0, they're not all incomplete in quite the same way, but are all 'stuck' somehow.

The people who are trying to resolve these Launchpads will continue to try to get the info they need, but the reporters also need to be aware & take *prompt* action when a Launchpad they've opened is stuck at Incomplete.

Comments welcome - on the general topic of incomplete launchpads, or on any of these ones in particular (if you want to suggest how to unstick it).

The current list is here too... 

1830108	Unable to connect to router after host reboot
1836378	stx-openstack application stuck at applying status by processing chart: osh-kube-system-ingress
1836974	radosgw coredump files generated after unexpected host swact
1838472	Unlocking a compute host leads to failure loop
1826886	cinder cmd not working intermittently
1827063	Volume was observed to go into error state on creation
1828300	System shouldn't allow to add host when controller  is locked using GUI
1829288	Both controllers went for second reboot after DOR
1830421	AIO-DX Host controller compute services failed to get openstack token from keystone after reboot
1830736	Ceph osd process was not recovered after lock and unlock on storage node with journal disk
1837242	OSD failure on storage node never recovered
1837243	Volume cmd failed by Service Unavailable

[0] https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=Incomplete&field.tag=stx.2.0

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