[Starlingx-discuss] stx.2.0 RC1 Declared

Zvonar, Bill Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Sun Aug 11 23:02:46 UTC 2019

As per the review in the StarlingX Release meeting on August 8/2019, stx.2.0 RC1 is declared now that we have the first green sanity on the RC1 branch [0].

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this important milestone, and let's work together on bug resolution as head towards the 2.0 release date (Aug 30).


[0] http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-August/005632.html

-----Original Message-----
From: Zvonar, Bill 
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:42 PM
To: 'starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: Minutes: StarlingX Release Meeting - August 8/2019

Notes from today's release team meeting below and at [0] - we'll announce RC1 once we see the green sanity on the release branch.


- RC1 Milestone

    - based on the status of feature/regression test, we'll declare the RC1 milestone, will do so once we see the green sanity on the release branch 

    - Release Branch / Sanity 
        - sanity is held up waiting on the resolution of the helm chart issue raised by Cristopher (http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-August/005626.html)
        - Scott's looking into it now, and will notify Ada/Cristopher asap
        - if this is done soon enough, Cristopher should be able to do sanity on bare metal today 
        - this is the build: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/rc/2.0/centos/20190807T135731Z/
        - Scott came back & said that the helm charts are available, will send an email 
        - Cherry Picking into the RC1 Branch 
        - Frank raised the question of how we make sure that all commits to master that should be cherry-picked to the release branch have in fact been cherry-picked
        - Saul noted that there's a 'cherry-pick' button in Gerrit, but hasn't used it 
        - Don confirmed that this does the job of cherry-picking, and updates the Launchpad 
        - ACTION: Bill to sort out what the query is to check if all high/medium importance LPs on master since <date> have also been cherry-picked back to the release branch 
        - ACTION: Bill send an email to the Community/Cores that commits have to go to Master first, and be cherry-picked to the release branch (ask Cores to +2 only if these steps were done)

    - Feature Test status
        - Ironic & Helm Overrides testing - forecast Aug 13
        - Ada: in progress
        - 1 left for Helm Overrides, pending on some input from Bob Church 
        - 7 left for Ironic - still working on the setup - fcast Aug 13
        - Ada will ask Jose if he's having any particular issues that someone could help with - Brent noted that Mingyuan did the feature
        - Ada later noted that Jose does have info from Mingyuan and is working on setup now 

    - Regression Test status
        - Ada: all have been run now, except for the 13 that are blocked 
        - 3 SRIOV: blocked pending some instructions on how to test - probably will get these from Chenjie - the testcases are simple, so should be quick to execute once they have that information  
        - 2 Security: working through IPv6 setup issues - no firm plan currently, but IPv6 is more of an aspirational thing for 2.0 (read: this does not block RC1)
        - 2 Storage: actually unblocked now, just need to work through them, plan to finish today/tomorrow  
        - 6 System (2+2+2): the switch/other issues have been resolved now, plan to finish by next week

    - 3.0 Content in Master
        - Saul asked when 3.0 content can start going into Master - we agreed last week to hold off until we have a green sanity on the release branch - should be very soon now

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-releases

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