[Starlingx-discuss] Minutes: StarlingX Release Meeting - August 29/2019

Zvonar, Bill Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Thu Aug 29 20:08:49 UTC 2019

Notes from today's release team meeting below and at [0] - we're finalizing the release branch work for 2.0, and are otherwise good to go; for 3.0, we will be chasing for feature completion plans.


Release Team Meeting - August 28 2019
. stx.2.0
    o branch logistics
        . Scott has delivered release/2.0.0 on CENGN & tidied the directory and updated the latest_release symlink: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/release/
        . tagging to follow shortly 
    o documentation
        . release notes landing page is ready and we can start making contents by updating: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/677805/
        . Bill to ask Ildiko about adding the overview deck to the release notes (per https://github.com/StarlingXWeb/starlingx-website/issues/39)
    o testing
        . regression testing has finished; pass rate is 95.2%
        . feature testing: the ironic test missing has been completed and passed; we can close feature testing, too
. stx.3.0
    o dashboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/186 - looking for forecast dates from feature owners 
    o testing: started to engage with feature owners in order to scope the testing & will be paying attention to their updates on the stx.3.0 dashboard
    o documentation: the 2 top-level stories that are on the board now cover the Dist Cloud documentation and the other miscellaneous config topics 

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-releases

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