[Starlingx-discuss] MoM : Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack distro meeting, 12/04/2019

Sun, Austin austin.sun at intel.com
Wed Dec 4 15:28:16 UTC 2019

Hi All:
  Thanks join the meeting , The MoM of 12/04/2019:
         - Ceph containerization update (Tingjie/martin)
            Tingjie Presents a flow chart 
            how to integrate python-rookclient , TingJie will send to maillist. 
         - Standardize Flock Package Versioning (Yang Bin) 
             JITStack warm-up workshop.  JITStack Team is ready to start this task.         
         - Kata Container (Shuicheng) 
            B&R is successfully w/ containerd .
            Continue to check docker registry post method for token fetch. --- enhancement , not gating. 
         - CentOS 8.0 upgrade planning (Shuai Zhao)
            SRPM, 3 SRPM have issue when building.  19 are related w/ openstack.
            tarball :  26 can be compiled.  
                        as much as using current version for user space tarball. 
                         for kernel , using latest version.
            Container Build :
                     building iso meet issue.  might to change build-tools scripts ? 
            Commit message and patch quality is improved , especially for kernel patches zhiguo made.  
    * stx 3.0 bugs fix
      - CVE issue tracking  (Shuicheng)
          * OVMF . patch is ready for merge
          * kernel change upgrade 1062
             rt test has some regression due to spectre patch included in 1062. is spectre patch impacting rt performance , Robin/Shuicheng will find it is reasonable. 
      - Storage issue tracking  (Tingjie)  4-Medium 
        LP#1826886 cinder cmd not working intermittently  ----Ma zheng
          to confirm if this is different issue and is valid 
        LP#1844164 alarm 800.001 raised on lock storage-0 and not cleared when storage-0 unlocks  --- Martin
        LP#1847336  IPv6 Distributed Cloud: ansible-playbook 'Wipe ceph osds' does not support re-play / re-entrance   ---- Ovidiu 
        LP#1848198 Glance backend present on non-openstack deployment  ---- Stefan Dinescu
      - Others issue tracking (Austin)
           https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1847335 , need to find BIOS info the issue reported. 
     * Opens (All)

Austin Sun. 

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