[Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX mirror scheduled outage Saturday Feb 9.

McKenna, Jason Jason.McKenna at windriver.com
Mon Feb 4 15:28:07 UTC 2019

Hi StarlingX,

The facility where the StarlingX official mirror and build servers are hosted will have a scheduled power outage on February 9.  The outage is scheduled from 1100 to 2200 UTC (6:00am to 5:00pm EST, 5:00am to 4:00pm CST, 3:00am to 2:00pm PST).

During this time, the CENGN hosted StarlingX mirror will be down, and download_mirrors.sh will fetch any artifacts directly from the sources rather than the mirror.  Furthermore, automated builds will not occur during this timeframe.

If you plan on creating or updating a local mirror of input artifacts, I recommend you run download_mirrors.sh on February 8.  This will allow your script to fetch artifacts from either the CENGN mirror or the original source.  Furthermore, if you want to grab a pre-built StarlingX ISO image for testing, please download it before the outage.



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