[Starlingx-discuss] [deploy-fail] Failed to deploy All-in-one simplex configuration

Jaewook Oh kyle.oh95 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 05:54:46 UTC 2019

Hello starlingx team,

I deployed Starlingx All-in-one simplex setting on my server,
it seems deployment was done well.
*However I cannot access to the dashboard.*

I used  "2019-*Feb-08* 03:40:29 bootimage.iso".

Following log is the service that are now enabled,
[wrsroot at controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system service-list
| id  | service_name                  | hostname     | state          |
| 68  | aodh-api                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 69  | aodh-evaluator                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 70  | aodh-listener                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 71  | aodh-notifier                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 102 | barbican-api                  | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 103 | barbican-keystone-listener    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 104 | barbican-worker               | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 43  | ceilometer-agent-notification | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 14  | cgcs-export-fs                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 10  | cgcs-fs                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 16  | cgcs-nfs-ip                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 35  | cinder-api                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 38  | cinder-backup                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 58  | cinder-ip                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 56  | cinder-lvm                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 36  | cinder-scheduler              | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 37  | cinder-volume                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 23  | dnsmasq                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 5   | drbd-cgcs                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 55  | drbd-cinder                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 75  | drbd-extension                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 3   | drbd-pg                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 6   | drbd-platform                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 4   | drbd-rabbit                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 77  | extension-export-fs           | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 76  | extension-fs                  | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 24  | fm-mgr                        | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 27  | glance-api                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 26  | glance-registry               | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 108 | gnocchi-api                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 109 | gnocchi-metricd               | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 62  | guest-agent                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 64  | haproxy                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 45  | heat-api                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 46  | heat-api-cfn                  | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 47  | heat-api-cloudwatch           | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 44  | heat-engine                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 51  | horizon                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 22  | hw-mon                        | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 57  | iscsi                         | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 25  | keystone                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 50  | lighttpd                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 2   | management-ip                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 20  | mtc-agent                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 28  | neutron-server                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 9   | nfs-mgmt                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 29  | nova-api                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 63  | nova-api-proxy                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 31  | nova-conductor                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 33  | nova-console-auth             | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 34  | nova-novnc                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 83  | nova-placement-api            | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 30  | nova-scheduler                | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 48  | open-ldap                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 82  | panko-api                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 52  | patch-alarm-manager           | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 7   | pg-fs                         | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 15  | platform-export-fs            | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 11  | platform-fs                   | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 17  | platform-nfs-ip               | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 12  | postgres                      | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 65  | pxeboot-ip                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 13  | rabbit                        | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 8   | rabbit-fs                     | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 49  | snmp                          | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 19  | sysinv-conductor              | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 18  | sysinv-inv                    | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 59  | vim                           | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 60  | vim-api                       | controller-0 | enabled-active |
| 61  | vim-webserver                 | controller-0 | enabled-active |

As you can see, *I cannot find #1 service (oam-ip)*, and I think this is
one of the main reasons.

*And also I had a problem when I followed the installation instruction.*

[wrsroot at controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron providernet-create
providernet-a --type=vlan
[wrsroot at controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron
providernet-range-create --name providernet-a-range1 --range 100-400

[wrsroot at controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify -c
data controller-0 eth1000 -p providernet-a

Above instruction was not naturally worked, I mean the third command,
'host-if-modify' failed with the message "*DataNetwork providernet-a could
not be found*."

So I googled and I figured out I should command
$ *system datanetwork-add providernet-a vlan*

But I remember when my first deployment succeed, I didn't need to use that
command at all. (The deployment was implemented on Jan.)

Any help is appreciated, thank you for your help in advance.

Best Regards,

*Jaewook Oh* (오재욱)
IISTRC - Internet Infra System Technology Research Center
369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu,
06978, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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