[Starlingx-discuss] system host-if-modify error

Alonso, Juan Carlos juan.carlos.alonso at intel.com
Mon Jul 1 14:13:36 UTC 2019


I have been using the below command to set a SRIOV interface:
$ system host-if-modify -m <MTU> -n <new interface name> -N <number of VFs> -p <data network> -c pci-sriov <host> <interface>
$ system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n sriov1 -N 5 -p physnet0 -c pci-sriov compute-0 38922809-dec1-4e55-9f58-5db4b0859ae5

Command works correctly from ISO 20190627 and older. But now I got the following error:
system: error: unrecognized arguments: -p 47569880-3225-4a96-b897-b7bf1d114b8d

Seems that there is an error in the structure or syntax of command, but -p flag and interface UUID are separated by other parameters. I also try to use -d flag and interface name instead of uuid but got the same error.
Do you know if this SRIOV command have changed?

Juan Carlos Alonso

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