[Starlingx-discuss] Notes: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 3/6
Xie, Cindy
cindy.xie at intel.com
Wed Mar 6 14:26:23 UTC 2019
Agenda & Notes for 3/6 meeting:
1. Ceph upgrade status (Ovidiu/Daniel, Changcheng/Tingjie)
update: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-ceph-uprev-mimic
Ceph build for ceph sub-module: patch uploaded. 3 PR and 1 patch in manifest pending merge.
made the change to achieve download tar.gz, the changes are included in the patch mentioned above.
Daniel still WIP to get 2+2+2 work as expected without WR. Expect to get this done by 3/8.
will rebase from master to include container support next week.
Status: will abandan the current pending reviews against master; engineers from WR/Intel are working on the same manifest today.
2. CentOS 7.6 feature branch merge to master readiness review (Shuicheng)
Saul re-based the master changes to f/CentOS7.6 yesterday, build/deployment with one issue with network create. Same issue saw in the master build. May related to local docker server. Will confirm it tomorrow.
Plan is to merge back to master on Monday - no change.
3. DevStack update (Dean/Yi)
last two weeks, we've submitted 3 patches for flock serves bring-up; 1 for fault and 2 for nfv under review. Dean also submitted 7 patches. 2 patches to fix the compiling warning due to Bionic upgrade. Devstack by design it is runs on OS independent, but Ubuntu is the most tested one. Zuul in Openstack CI/CD is currently hosted on Ubuntu OS.
comparing to what we planned, we can enable devstack for flocks services for fault, nfv. Leaving metal and Martin working on this. Due to Devstack switched to new version from Master, thus we may find new issues under new Bionic.
Ask core reviewers in flocks to review Devstack patches - patch query: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+branch:master+topic:devstack.
4. Opens (all)
will do bug review next weeks.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Xie, Cindy
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:27 PM
To: Xie, Cindy; Troyer, Dean; Zhu, Vivian; Hu, Yong; Lin, Shuicheng; Shang, Dehao; Somerville, Jim; Wold, Saul; Sun, Austin; Jones, Bruce E; Liu, ZhipengS; 'Rowsell, Brent'; 'Khalil, Ghada'; starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io; Waheed, Numan
Cc: Perez Carranza, Jose; 'Hellmann, Gil'; 'Seiler, Glenn'; 'Young, Ken'; Arce Moreno, Abraham; Cobbley, David A; Fang, Liang A; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; Hu, Wei W; Martinez Monroy, Elio; 'Waines, Greg'; Lara, Cesar; Armstrong, Robert H; 'Chen, Jacky'; Martinez Landa, Hayde; 'Poncea, Ovidiu'; Perez Rodriguez, Humberto I; Gomez, Juan P; Shuquan Huang
Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting
When: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:00 AM-7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://zoom.us/j/342730236
. Cadence and time slot:
o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM)
. Call Details:
o Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/342730236
o Dialing in from phone:
o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923
o Meeting ID: 342 730 236
o International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ed95sU7aQ
. Meeting Agenda and Minutes:
o https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-distro-other
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