[Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX Openstack error after changing the password - Update

Saichandu Behara saichandu.behara at calsoftinc.com
Thu Nov 21 09:16:15 UTC 2019


As we discussed yesterday call, I have raise a bug on Launchpad. I 
solved the issue for temporarily on my VM. Now it's working fine. 
Actually, VM size is getting very large. So, we are trying to reduce the 
image size and we are preparing the document for how to use the image. 
We will share the Image and Document in 2 days.

By using this image, Any one/newbie can experience the How StarlingX 
all-in-one simplex Openstack working and  It's containing StarlingX with 
edgex, K8s and Openstack. It's like StarlingX in a box with k8s and 

Bug Launchpad Link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1853428

Thanks & Regards
Sai Chandu Behara

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