[Starlingx-discuss] Minutes: StarlingX Release Meetng - April 2/2020

Khalil, Ghada Ghada.Khalil at windriver.com
Thu Apr 2 22:10:16 UTC 2020

Agenda/Minutes are posted at:

Release Team Meeting - April 2 2020
- Continue the review of Milestone-2 criteria
- Two criteria were already met last week
          - Spec freexe; no new specs accepted for the release. The focus is on closing current specs
          - Feature plans defined and feature development well underwa
- Focused on reviewing the third criterion
          - Release tet plan defined
                     - Feature Testing
                               - The majority of features have target dates for test execution with reasonable risk
                               - Key concern/risk is with the Openstack Upversion
                               - Testing currently expected to go into June -- current plan: June 5
                               - Expect issues and updates to automation test-cases
                     - Regression Testing
                               - Expect to start regression two weeks later and end two weeks later than the orignal plan
                               - This will push the backend of the release by about two weeks as well
                     - New Dates:
                               - Milestone-3:  May 29
                               - Feature Test: Jun 5
                               - Regression Test: Jun 26
                               - RC1: Jun 26
                               - Final Regression: July 10
                               - Release Date: July 17
                     - The release team agreed that this is acceptable
                     - Need to monitor that test activities are moving forward as per plan as the team is still working thru a number of h/w dependencies and ramp up

- Team agreed to declare MS-2 today -- Congratulations to the whole team!

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