[Starlingx-discuss] Community (& TSC) Call (Apr 15, 2020)
Zvonar, Bill
Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Wed Apr 15 14:44:07 UTC 2020
>From today's meeting...
* Standing Topics
* Sanity
* Monolithic: all green since last week
* Nic mentioned that today's build is having issues, Don investigated - couple of updates went in yesterday, broke installation
* Layered: all green
* pending confirmation of last step of validating the docker images that come out of the layered build - Scott/Nic to validate
* Bart raised concern about having to manually update version info with layered build, partially solved by PBR - to be discussed in the Build meeting tomorrow
* Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention
* Host side OpenStack services/clients upgrade to Train: @Brent and other reviewers, please help to review.
* Storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007502 (Test result updated in the comments.)
* Patch list under review: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:train_upgrade+status:open (These patches are expected to be merged together.)
* OpenStack related patches
* https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716524/ Last patch for bug1859641 IPv6: stx-openstack app apply failed by time out waiting for the condition "grpc_status
* https://review.opendev.org/#/c/699532/ bug 1855474 OpenStack pods were not recovered after force reboot active controller
* https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:for_ussuri+(status:open+OR+status:merged) OpenStack Ussuri upgrade patch list under review
* CentOS 8 Kernel Upgrade Plan
* Austin: they'll move the kernel to the new repo & need a place for the pre-built kernel srpms to be hosted - Scott to look into that
* Topics for this Week
* stx-integ repo freeze complete (Davlet): http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-April/008299.html
* PSA: Contributing to Docs (Mary): http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-April/008293.html
* Open Requests for Help
* nothing this week
-----Original Message-----
From: Zvonar, Bill
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:24 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: Community (& TSC) Call (Apr 15, 2020)
Hi all, reminder of tomorrow's TSC/Community call.
As usual, we'll start with TSC business, then we'll move on to the Community call.
Please feel free to add items to the agenda [0] for the Community call beforehand.
[0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status
[1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_PDT_.2F_1400_UTC_-_Community_Call
[2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200415T1400
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