[Starlingx-discuss] Can cgcs-users/ibsh package be removed?

Peters, Matt Matt.Peters at windriver.com
Thu Jan 16 12:40:29 UTC 2020

I'm not aware of ibsh still being used.  It was previously replaced by lshell for restricted shells which has also been removed from the system.

Regards, Matt

On 2020-01-15, 6:27 PM, "Saul Wold" <sgw at linux.intel.com> wrote:

    As I was reviewing some of the CentOS-8 work, I saw the update to the 
    cgcs-users package and looked into what it was.  It seems to be a rename 
    of an older locked down shell (2005).  I searched through the repos and 
    could only find it referenced in the integ repo for inclusion on the ISO.
    I don't see ibsh set as a shell or used any place.  Is it time to retire 
    this package?
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