[Starlingx-discuss] Minutes: StarlingX Release Meetng - Mar 26/2020
Khalil, Ghada
Ghada.Khalil at windriver.com
Fri Mar 27 00:05:04 UTC 2020
Agenda/Minutes are posted at:
- Milestone-2 re-scheduled to next week (April 7)
- Review readiness against criteria
- Spec freeze; no new specs accepted for the release. The focus is on closing current specs
- There are currently 3 specs that are still in progress. These will continue as per plan and aren't impacted by the milestone criteria
- StarlingX Upgrades
- N3000 FPGA Image Update Orchestration
- Cert-Manager
- Intel team is looking at some new feature proposals, but these will likely be for stx.5.0
- Small Footprint spec would fall into this category
- WR team is also looking at some security-related items which were discussed in the face-to-face meeting
- The scope of these are fairly small - small config changes.
- We can also entertain an exception if something comes up
- For this criterion, team feels comfortable to move forward with the milestone
- Feature plans defined and feature development well underway
- Summary:
- In / Ongoing: 20
- Out: 10
- TBD: 5
- Feature Plans: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a93wt0XO0_JvajnPzQwnqFkXfdDysKVnHpbrEc17_yg/edit#gid=0
- For this criterion, team feels comfortable that we have enough content secured for the release to move forward with the milestone
- Release test plan defined - including test automation deliverables
- Feature Test
- Risk is around environment setup in Romainia. In the meantime, the team is focused on test plan definition and perhaps virtual configuration.
- Action: Test team to finalize plans in the next test team; including assumptions and risks. Fcst: April
- Regression Test
- Regression duration for stx.3.0 was around 6wks. The current plan for stx.4.0 shows around 7wks; assuming testing can start on April 27.
- Risk is around the majority of the Intel test team being new to the project and requiring ramp.
- Most training with the Mexico team has been focused on daily sanity and not the detailed regression
- Agreed to re-schedule the milestone by a week to refine the release test plan
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