[Starlingx-discuss] Community (& TSC) Call (Sep 2, 2020)

Zvonar, Bill Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Wed Sep 2 15:23:28 UTC 2020

>From today's meeting: 

* Standing Topics

    * Sanity
        * all green since last week 

    * Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention

        * rook ceph: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+branch:master+topic:%22ceph+containerization%22
            * 13 patch request to review, 6 patch already reivew+2,   4 patch review+1,  3 patch is still no review idea 
            * the 3 projects patches needs attention
                * stx-metal:   https://review.opendev.org/#/c/737228/
                * stx-puppet: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721765/
                * ansible-playbook: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/734065/
            * https://review.opendev.org/#/c/728364/ suggest merge this first, this is only manifest and empty repo
                * it will help doing eng build once this change is merged. 

* Topics for this Week

    * brucej - how to fill the Saul-shaped hole in the Multi-OS project (yocto port)?
        * Saul is back, so no hole to fill!

    * stx.3.0.1
        * 2 LPs left to cherry-pick, in progress 

    * Mingyuan - EdgeWorker further discussion (previously "small node")
        * Mingyuan will send an email out to the list with the presentation 

    * Containers Meetings
        * agreed to move these to be on an as-needed basis 
        * next meeting scheduled for Sep 15 
        * Gopi will send details before then re: FM containerization 

* ARs from Previous Meetings

    * Aug 26

        * Ildiko: poll to get a feel for which time blocks are preferred by folks for the PTG - we covered this in the TSC 
        * Nic/Yang: feedback from test perspective on stx.4.0 lessons learned 
        * Yong: (rough) plan for starting the Victoria rebase work - might have a better view next week, but it could be at risk for 5.0 resource-wise

    * Aug 19

        * Scott: Docker stuff (see notes from last week)
            * we agree we can wait a couple more weeks, at least, to get more info re: email notifications & dashboard showing read age
            * AR: Nic/Yang provide more info on how many images we pull for a given sanity
            * AR: Release Team discuss whether or not we should just go ahead & nuke stx.2.0 now, as is our stated policy 

* Open Requests for Help

    * How to change docker default subnet?: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-August/009514.html
        * Austin will respond ---Done

    * Unable to reconfigure the edge cloud if its addition failed: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-August/009515.html
        * maybe someone from the Dist Cloud area could chime in on this

    * DANM support: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-September/009534.html
        * not much knowledge about what DANM is - apparently a networking thing 

* Build Matters (if required)
    * nothing this week

-----Original Message-----
From: Zvonar, Bill 
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:53 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: Community (& TSC) Call (Sep 2, 2020)

Hi all, reminder of the TSC/Community call tomorrow.

Please feel free to add items to the agenda [0] for the community call.


[0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status
[1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_PDT_.2F_1400_UTC_-_Community_Call
[2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200902T1400

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