[Starlingx-discuss] [Query] StarlingX 4.0 - Storage Network separate from MGMT+Cluster in Bare Metal Standard with Dedicated Storage Model
Pratik M.
pvmpublic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 14:22:33 UTC 2021
Reading the following, a dedicated storage-only netowrk does not seem to be
possible for the scenario you mention:
Thanks and Regards
On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 6:18 PM Anirudh Gupta <anyrude10 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Gentle Reminder !!!!!
> Hi Team,
> Can someone help me in regard to the below mail shared.
> *Queris: *
> 1. Is it possible to have a storage network which is separate from
> mgmt+cluster networks? So that all the storage traffic passes only
> through that network
> 2. Is there a way to separate client traffic from Storage cluster traffic
> (running on Mgmt+Cluster Host NW) if we enable Ceph Metadata server on
> Controller nodes?
> Regards
> Anirudh Gupta
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 3:37 PM Anirudh Gupta <anyrude10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> Can someone help me in regard to the below mail shared.
>> *Query: *Is it possible to have a storage network which is separate from
>> mgmt+cluster networks? So that all the storage traffic passes only
>> through that network
>> Regards
>> Anirudh Gupta
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 7:41 PM Anirudh Gupta <anyrude10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Team,
>>> I am trying to set up a Bare metal Standard with Dedicated Storage
>>> Installation R4.0
>>> <https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r4_release/bare_metal/dedicated_storage.html> with
>>> 2 Controllers, 2 Storage Nodes and 2 Worker Nodes.
>>> https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r4_release/bare_metal/dedicated_storage.html
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> As per the Network Diagram, storage nodes are connected to MGMT +
>>> Cluster Networks and all the traffic flows through this network only.
>>> https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r4_release/bare_metal/dedicated_storage_install_kubernetes.html#configure-storage-nodes
>>> Even the document suggests to assign the cluster-host network to the
>>> MGMT interface for the storage nodes
>>> system interface-network-assign $NODE mgmt0 cluster-host
>>> Is it possible to have a storage network which is separate from
>>> mgmt+cluster networks? So that all the storage traffic passes only
>>> through that network
>>> Looking forward for your response.
>>> Regards
>>> Anirudh Gupta
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