[Starlingx-discuss] Failed to boot controller-1 using PXE with connection timeout reading initrd file - STX 5.0.1-duplex

Shashi, Yatindra yatindra.shashi at intel.com
Sun Jul 3 21:04:56 UTC 2022

Hi Team,

I am trying to install starlingX 5.0.1  Duplex in my setup where I had running stx 5.0.1 before.
Controller-0 installation and configuration works perfectly. I can see my controller-0 active and configured properly.
After that I tried to install controller-1 and select PXE boot at controller-1.

I change the personality of node from the controller-0 of new node as controller-1 and controller-1 start to load but it fails on loading initrd file from controller-0 and stuck on that stage.

Can any body suggest what could be reason?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ with best regards,
Yatindra Shashi

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