[Starlingx-discuss] Trouble getting Rook installed on Virtual AIO Duplex
Cardoso Sganderlla, Daian
Daian.CardosoSganderlla at windriver.com
Fri Oct 28 16:05:55 UTC 2022
Hi, Lennart.
The rook-ceph application was not migrated to FluxCD in StarlingX 7. For this reason, it is not available for install in this version of stx.
There is the armada version to install the rook-ceph, but you need to be using kubernetes version 1.18. It will not work on newer versions of k8s due to deprecated apis used by this armada rook-ceph.
If still you want to use the armada rook-ceph, you can download it in the repository below:
From: Lennart Hagemann <Lennart.Hagemann at continum.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 6:28 AM
To: 'starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Trouble getting Rook installed on Virtual AIO Duplex
[Please note: This e-mail is from an EXTERNAL e-mail address]
I’m new to starlingx and playing around with it in a lab environment. I was following https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r7_release/virtual/aio_duplex_install_kubernetes.html<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r7_release/virtual/aio_duplex_install_kubernetes.html__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!ZoX-sXt97aAUQW0IXMv2w6lJLJ5fcS5sN7Vhf61Vi_G4wpCaQFVo7LQfnkbzicYqVkYRnCQHpLEU6ifLdCCHuNgDbmHwo-kbVsoSpJotSg$> and chose to set up rook as the storage backend. In the optional steps for rook it tells you “Wait for the rook-ceph-apps application to be uploaded” but I didn’t see the application. Uploading it (and where you can download the manifest) was not discussed in the docs so I eventually figured it should have been automatically been uploaded when I add the storage backend?
I removed the storage backend and re-added it, no application was uploaded so I checked the latest puppet logs where it exits during prefetching apt when executing /usr/bin/dpkg-query -W. I ran that command by hand and I do receive a syntax error “syntax error in triggers deferred file '/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unincorp' at line 1 character 65 ''.
The content of the file is:<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!ZoX-sXt97aAUQW0IXMv2w6lJLJ5fcS5sN7Vhf61Vi_G4wpCaQFVo7LQfnkbzicYqVkYRnCQHpLEU6ifLdCCHuNgDbmHwo-kbVso0Aqe97g$>:/var/rootdirs/opt/platform/sysinv/22.06:0x00000001
I think that might be a leftover from installation, but I am not entirely sure. I removed the file for testing purposes and dpkg-query -W did indeed execute successfully now. Re-Added the storage backend again, but no application appeared. The puppet run did run without errors though.
So my most important questions are:
Is the rook application actually supposed to upload itself automatically when adding the backend or do I need to upload it manually? If the latter, where can I find the manifest? Only found openstack manifests. If it does upload automatically, where can I dig deeper to gather more information on why it fails?
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