[Starlingx-discuss] Apt-ostree repository

Short, Charles Charles.Short at windriver.com
Wed Jul 19 17:02:46 UTC 2023


Answers are in line.

From: Waines, Greg <Greg.Waines at windriver.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:52 PM
To: Short, Charles <Charles.Short at windriver.com>; starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: RE: Apt-ostree repository

Hey Chuck,
I know we talked about this offline and it was also discussed in today's StarlingX Community meeting ...

Just to clarify / add-some-detail to your request ... for community understanding ...

  *   'apt-ostree' is sort of a hybrid package manager that allows one to build and manage ostree commits based on DEB PKGs

Correct it will become a hybrid image/package manager that allows to build and manage ostree commits based on Debian packages.

  *   You are developing this as part of the FLOCK project team's work on 'Software Upgrade/Update Evolution', see stx 9 feature plan spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aTjYzUkExodfayt-rjTv466jE-DP8b_YjrTHhXW6G9w/edit#gid=1107209846 .


  *   Your development plans for apt-ostree is to develop this generically (i.e. no starlingx specifics), using the debian apt package manager and debian's ostree package.

That's correct I see possible use cases outside of StarlingX where it could possibly be used for example embedded systems for managing updates, installs, etc.

  *   AND THEN the higher-level StarlingX-specific Software Management code would USE apt-ostree

StarlingX manages large number of nodes well. I would hope that apt-ostree gets to the point where apt-ostree can manage Debian based systems well.

  *   As discussed, our long term plans would be to offer/propose this as a debian package to the debian community .... Rather than bury this in starlingx.
     *   And then we would just include this new debian package in our host packages and use it for starlingx
Correct I would like to start with small and then work our way through a bigger use case within the Debian community.

  *   In the meantime, you're proposing that we create an apt-ostree repo in starlingx, as sort of an incubation period ... in order to develop apt-ostree and meet stx 9 release schedules.
     *   With the intent to move it to the debian community later.



p.s. I'm a +1 for new short-term apt-ostree repo

From: Short, Charles <Charles.Short at windriver.com<mailto:Charles.Short at windriver.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 4:08 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io<mailto:starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Apt-ostree repository


I been working on a Debian based ostree package management system for the past couple of months. It is similar to how rpm-ostree manages packages with ostree on Fedora. I was wondering if there were any objections to adding the repository to the starlingx namespace on opendev.org?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/opendev.org?__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!YPEW0Kab6M1hz6pbYzHOhQ_khQOwG90S7EmOyVfTRXVVALfj-2KfGKo3e9KTKjDB5vYhp_YnWE2YvptC1O9baK7EpcNYXpg$>

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