[Starlingx-discuss] FW: ACTION REQUIRED: Feature Dates for stx.9.0

Khalil, Ghada Ghada.Khalil at windriver.com
Wed May 10 13:17:44 UTC 2023

Reminder to StarlingX PLs / Feature Primes to update the feature dates for stx.9.0. Please update before end of week if possible.
Milestone-2 is planned for this week and will likely need to be re-forecasted as a large portion of the features don't have any published dates.


-----Original Message-----
From: Khalil, Ghada 
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 8:02 AM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Feature Dates for stx.9.0

Hello StarlingX PLs / Feature Primes

The next milestone for stx.9.0 is Milestone-2 planned for the week of May 10 / 2023 Milestone Criteria:
- Feature plans defined and feature development well underway
- Release test plan defined - including test automation deliverables

In preparation for Milestone-2, please start populating feature dates in the stx.9.0 release planning spreadsheet:
columns I, L, O, P  (see the Field Definitions worksheet for guidance if needed)

If you are proposing additional features for stx.9.0, please add them to the spreadsheet as well.


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