[Starlingx-discuss] Community Call (July 3, 2019)

Zvonar, Bill Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Wed Jul 3 14:55:35 UTC 2019

Notes/actions from today's meeting... 

- [brucej / bill] Use of Launchpad Blueprints for feature tracking
     - discussed in last week's TSC & Release Team meetings - Bruce recommending to use Blueprints to maintain our backlog list 
         - it meets the needs of maintaining the TSC's backlog 
         - could it replace StoryBoard? - it seems not (historically, StoryBoard was created to replace/augment Blueprint)
         - we need to work out some process flow questions - like how does something transition from being in a Blueprint to a StoryBoard 
         - Brent questioned why we wouldn't just go to Launchpads for stories, if we're going to go to Blueprint 
         - we generally seem to agree that it'd be *nice* if we could centralize everything in Launchapd (Bugs & Blueprints), but Blueprints don't seem to be able to replace StoryBoard for what we're using it for 
         - Dean reiterated that the TSC is happy to let the Release Team make the recommendation on this, Brent agreed 
         - ACTION: release team make the recommendation in the next TSC meeting

- defect trend: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DZZgqrCIL6wxv51_yFBk6Lfmtf1AqPD6z7e5hEs3prU/edit#gid=300550657
      - currently sitting at 138 vs. a fcast of 130 
      - let's talk about how to de-gate a bug - the TL needs to sign off on the de-gate, as agreed previously 
      - ACTION: Bill to send request to domain owners to go through this process 

- Deployment Docs (Bart)
      - current state is that wikis are being updated, docs aren't keeping pace - even the most accurate docs are no longer accurate 
      - Docs Gerrit queue: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:starlingx/docs,n,z
      - ACTION: Michael Tullis provide a readout on the current state of affairs for the various documents 

- open actions from previous meetings...

      - ACTION: Numan & Ada to sort out how aggregate regression reporting will be done (manual & automated
      - they'll tackle this after Numan's back next week

      - ACTION: Frank update on the forecast for the Docker image list 
      - they opened a launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1834504), it's currently not gating 2.0 for Al
      - if time permits, we'll look at it later in the release 
      - instructions are in the LP 

      - ACTION: Bill start checking if any 'new' people emails are going unresponded 
      - yes, a few are, Bill to follow up

      - ACTION: Scott & Dean to talk about the mechanics for big files 
      - Scott was looking into something, Bill will follow up w/ him 

      - ACTION: Frank to talk to CENGN about getting sufficient space (pending any other parameters from Scott)
      - Frank has reached out, waiting on a response 

      - ACTION: Dean find out what our options for increasing per mail size limit 
      - pending

      - ACTION: Bill check with Ian about the logistics/timing of a mid-cycle meeting
      - will provide update next week

      - ACTION: Bruce (or Doc team) let us know if there is such a thing as stx.1.0 install docs
      - Yes       
      - if you look at https://docs.starlingx.io/deployment_guides/index.html or https://docs.starlingx.io/installation_guide/index.html you will see that the deployment and installation documents are versioned       
      - "Current" is the latest active release (stx.1.0) and "latest" is the upcoming release (stx.2.0).  The Operation Guides are also versioned similarly.
      - Bill to check if this still needs to be sent 

      - ACTION: Bruce to find out when the OpenStack Helm meeting is so we can represent (the changes haven't been pushed up there yet)
      - From wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Openstack-helm:  Meetings Every Tuesday @ 3PM UTC, #openstack-meeting-4
      - Yong to relay this info to the person who needs it 

      - ACTION: Bill to chase the owners of incomplete bugs so we can reduce the set down to a very small number (then it's not a big deal whether we close or de-prioritize)
      - the chasing will start imminently       
      - there are currently 29 such bugs (https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=Incomplete)

      - ACTION: Bill to socialize with the owners that the oldest bugs should be the first to be removed from the gating list
      - will include in gating bug chasing 

      - ACTION: Bill to reach out to the domain/team owners to provide incoming/outgoing data for the resolution forecast
      - this was done, it's factored into the current forecast 

      - ACTION: Bill follow up on status of bitergia changes 
      - ansible-playbook repos: done (https://gitlab.com/Bitergia/c/OSF/support/issues/26)
      - adding github repos: done (https://gitlab.com/Bitergia/c/OSF/support/issues/25)
      - auto add starlingx repos: open (https://gitlab.com/Bitergia/c/OSF/support/issues/27)
      - Dean reminded that we are part of a trial and that our input is important to the decision on OpenStack adoption
      - Bart: no way to look at statistics for reviewers, doesn't seem to have been added yet 
      - ACTION: Bill to follow up on this w/ Bart/Thierry

      - ACTION: Numan/Yang arrange an automation framweork info session for the Community (in a few weeks after Yang's vacation)

-----Original Message-----
From: Zvonar, Bill 
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 8:23 AM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: Community Call (July 3, 2019)

Hi everyone, we will be holding the Community Call tomorrow, at the usual time.

Please feel free to add topics to the agenda at [0].


[0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status
[1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_PDT_.2F_1400_UTC_-_Community_Call
[2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190703T1400

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