[Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX App Deployment and Demo

Waines, Greg Greg.Waines at windriver.com
Thu Sep 7 11:49:26 UTC 2023

Hey Bruno,

Thanks for putting this together.

Just some initial high-level comments:

  *   your high-level objective appears to be more about end user’s wanting to run and manage their applications on StarlingX
     *   ( i.e. not about a StarlingX Community member wanting to contribute the integration of a containerized application into the StarlingX solution )
  *   For end-users wanting to run and manage their applications on StarlingX
     *   I think it is very important to stress that you can package, run and manage your application on StarlingX with either
        *   Helm
        *   FluxCD
        *   StarlingX Application
     *   we do NOT want a StarlingX end user to think that they “HAVE” to re-package their application in the StarlingX Application Packaging and manage their application with StarlingX APIs, in order to run their application on StarlingX
     *   we want to  make sure that a StarlingX end user who has a HELM packaging of their application that they have developed on vanilla K8S,
knows that he can simply run it and manage it (UNMODIFIED) on StarlingX.
  *   HELM is the ‘standard’ application package manage for K8S … so need to make sure users know they can package, run and manage their applications on StarlingX with HELM
  *   FluxCD provides additional application packaging/management capabilities over and above HELM … that again is standard/open
     *   would be good to highlight what are these additional capabilities, and
     *   are they all supported on StarlingX’s deployment of FluxCD.
  *   StarlingX Application provides additional application packaging/management capabilities over and above FluxCD … mostly around custom integration with StarlingX infrastructure management itself.
     *   would be good to highlight/describe these additional capabilities / additional integration points
     *   i.e. if I was a user that already had a HELM or FluxCD packaging of my application, why would I want to consider re-packaging it as a StarlingX Application ?


From: Bruno Drugowick Muniz <Bruno.Muniz at encora.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 9:55 AM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Cc: Daniel Marques Caires <daniel.caires at encora.com>; Douglas Lopes Pereira <douglas.pereira at encora.com>; Tomás Nascimento Pimentel Barros <tomas.barros at encora.com>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX App Deployment and Demo

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Hello, StarlingX Community.

We want to share a work we've been doing in the past few weeks which now needs feedback from the Community.

Scenario: package a user application/workload that's not part of the StarlingX ecosystem to run on StarlingX.
Main objectives:
  - make it easier for newcomers to evaluate StarlingX with their workloads;
  - show some of the platform's capabilities.

Our idea is to center all this around a quick and easy-to-consume Demo<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/bmuniz-daitan/poc-starlingx-messages/blob/main/Demo.md__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKPzQjp1hH$> page, with some text and small video demonstrations for each important step. The main doc is complemented by (all still in progress):
  - a more detailed application Build Guide<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/bmuniz-daitan/poc-starlingx-messages/blob/main/BuildGuide.md__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKP3B5Xapr$>;
  - a single video with everything put together (might need captions to actually be helpful by itself): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvBomQANXlo<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvBomQANXlo__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKP2J1d8Bo$>.

It's important to understand that all the info that you'll find in the links above exists somehow either in https://docs.starlingx.io<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.starlingx.io/__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKP7syVCSp$>, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKPxOUfPsq$>, or in the intangible place that I'll call "knowledge of the folks around the community" 🙂. It's not our intention to create yet another place to duplicate information, thus the repository linked above will be deleted at some point, but we needed a temporary place to organize all the info we gathered scattered around together with our own empiric tests.

Feel free to use the GitHub Issues<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/bmuniz-daitan/poc-starlingx-messages/issues__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKP_OmzvB5$>, reply to this message, or reach out to me on Matrix<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/matrix.to/*/@brunomuniz:matrix.org__;Iw!!AjveYdw8EvQ!eWCrt9aqbFn1eZ7PPtiIImXtil92Bvn_CJgTV1lfvz3lBv67j3pT98XCQfBiyIZgP_PwF4VcIir8CjLKP5_ZiVbU$> to give your feedback. Everything is valid for us to better understand the needs of the community, from small enhancements/fixes to opinions on the format of the presentation or technical aspects of what is being done in this demo regarding the StarlingX platform itself. This won't make us sad or anything: the journey to get all this info together brought us a lot of knowledge about the platform, which is something we are already applying on our next endeavor with StarlingX.

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