·         Debrief from the Summit

§  We had a very good Summit in Denver with good attendance at all our talks and sessions

§  There were about 15 sessions on or about StarlingX some by people not directly involved in our community

§  Thanks to the Foundation team for a great event!

§  Ildiko will send out pointers to the session recordings.

·         Debrief from the PTG

·         PTG Agenda and Notes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-ptg-agenda

·         Congratulation to Ian Jolliffe the Hero of the People award winner (Foundation Community Contributor Award)

·         Release update - Ghada is back!  We are saved!  The release team owes the community a set of milestones for the next release.

·         a place to store (really) large log files for Launchpads? (Bill)

§  per this question from the mailing list: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-April/004264.html

§  We have paste.openstack.org which might work for this but the requirement is likely for tarballs

§  Bruce to raise with Infra team.

·         Bugs

·         Virtual env testing RAM requirements - Ada's team can no longer test this due to RAM issues.  Discuss.

·         TSC elections are coming.

·         OpenInfra Days Nordic (Stockholm, Sweden) CFP is open till June 22: https://www.papercall.io/oidn-stockholm-2019

·         How to post a blog - the blog is on github and blog posts can be made with a PR.

·         The StarlingX blog is also hosted here: https://github.com/StarlingXWeb/starlingx-website/tree/master/site/blog