Hi All: Thanks join the call. MoM for 2/12 meeting: - Ceph containerization status and comments address (Martin) http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-February/007731.h... [1] rook is integrating into application-app currently , if use remove/delete platform-application, ceph-cluster will be destory. this is admin choose if they want to do it. [2] only will consolated app (sysinv or rook) to controller ceph to discuss further in maillist. - Pbr update ( JITStack-Wesley) build-time issue address http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-February/007676.h... , Wesley will update result by End of Week to maillist. reply the email and do an exmplaination - CentOS8 update ( Austin/Shuicheng) Strategy discuss 1) kernel 4.18 uprade only , which new gcc 8.2 is using new gcc will cause compile el7 rpms failure. 2) use old gcc(4.x) to compile new kernel + master rpms 3) mixing gcc using (kernel will use new gcc , and other use old gcc) , -- prefer this way , but current mock does not support 2 gcc co-worker. work item update kernel-rt. use kernel 4.18.x.147 , std and rt which is using centos8.1, as much as using current rpm. kubeadm (kube-proxy) issue update. keep legacy mode binary in iptables. drbd8 --- fix compile issues, and worked. puppet 4.8 w/ ruby 2.5 --worked , send result python2/python3 bring python3 to master , and start python2to3 converting for example nfv. Opens - Vista Creek (FPGA card) support still need confirm i40e drivers New OPEA driver will be released by end of this week. SRIOV device plugin https://github.com/intel/sriov-network-device-plugin/pull/196 -Open Thanks. BR Austin Sun.