Dear High Availability and DevStack community: Last week, my main activity was Distributed Cloud, specifically documentation, some internal things and 1.5 days off so please find the minimum progress reached in ~ 2 days and several questions. I have not moved away from the previous approach proposed [0], now added the step 3.2, to install service manager package using the DevStack way: - One issue found - One patch submitted - Several questions [ Summary ] [ Procedure ] 1. Virtual Box machine based on OpenSUSE Leap [1] 2. DevStack, installed through provided installation instructions [2] 3. High Availability 3.1 Installed through OBS personal repository [3] Launchpad 3.2 Initially built through DevStack 3.2.1 Runtime dependencies Review 3.2.2 Includes libraries Your help needed, several questions, see section "details" [Details] [ 3.2 Initially built through DevStack ] [[ Runtime dependencies ]] For runtime dependencies, the following errors were presented: sm_types.c:10:10: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory sm_uuid.c:9:10: fatal error: uuid/uuid.h: No such file or directory /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/.../bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlite3 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/.../bin/ld: cannot find -ljson-c Patch is out for review: openSUSE: System Packages Devstack based [4] based in DevStack plugin guidelines [5]. [[ Includes libraries ]] To get to a successful local build of ha/devstack, 2 issues were Presented and manually fixed: 1. Fatal error No such file or directory: fatal error: mtceHbsCluster.h: No such file or directory fatal error: fmAPI.h: No such file or directory To temporarily fix, the following libraries were manually added: -I$PATH_TO/metal/mtce/src/heartbeat/ -I$PATH_TO/fault/fm-common/sources/ Questions? Is build_sm function under "devstack/lib/ha" the correct place to add the metal and fault includes location? What is the temporal place directory DevStack assign to these dependencies? Is DevStack plugin guidelines [5] the right documentation to solve this issue so we can get deeply into it? To bring those runtime dependencies, is ha/devstack/settings [6] file the only required place to tell DeStack to bring them? 2. Error fmcommon /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/.../bin/ld: cannot find -lfmcommon To temporarily fix, the fmcommon library was manually copied: sudo cp /opt/stack/devstack/ha/devstack/fault/fm-common/sources/ /usr/lib64/ Questions? I assume this is a prerequisite to be correctly handled by DevStack fault installation? After these 2 issues were manually fixed, we had a successful build after calling local devstack script: stack@linux-qwyc:~/devstack/ha/devstack> bash [ Next Steps ] Full installation of DevStack adding the following StarlingX ha components under local.conf: enable_plugin ha and then run DevStack: stack@linux-qwyc:~/devstack> bash Again, please let me know your feedback, comments, new paths to follow, anything. All details (constantly updated) at personal github [7] [8] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]