Summary of Docker Hub changes to their terms of service. We use 'free' accounts so far. Image retention policy - Inactive images are those that have not been pushed or pulled for 6 months. - Inactive images will be deleted from 'free' accounts. 'Pro', 'Team' and 'Verified Publishers' accounts are exempt. - Enforcement starts Nov 1, 2020. - An email notice will precede the deletion (By how long?) - They promise a dashboard to show image age... so far I only see push age, not pull age. Repositories at risk ... we don't update these regularly ... are these all obsolete ? - starlingx/stx-magnum ... unused in master - starlingx/multis ... unused in master - starlingx/ceph-config-helper... still used ... should be ok if it gets pulled regularly. - starlingx/stx-ceph-config-helper ... replaced by, or intended to replace, ceph-config-helper? - starlingx/nova-api-proxy ... replaced by stx-nova-api-proxy Images at risk 1) 'dev' images (as opposed to 'stable') , ok to delete 2) old feature branch images (stein, ussuri) , ok to delete 3) rc-2.0 ... we only support two most recent releases (3.0, 4.0), ok to delete 4) rc-3.0 ... should be ok if it gets pulled regularly. Rate limits on pulling images - Anonymous pull - 100/6 hrs - based on puller ip addr ... this may be an issue for some test scenarios... PV labs ? - Authenticated Free user - 200/6hrs - limit is based on puller account, not publisher account Scott On 2020-08-26 1:32 p.m., Zvonar, Bill wrote:
From today's call:
* Standing Topics
* Sanity
* master sanity reports are Green * there was a build issue when somebody updated the build command to take an optional proxy argument * tested ok with this argument, but failed without & since CENGN builds without, the container build failed * so the learning is if changing the build command, be sure to test with and without optional arguments
* Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention
* rook ceph:
* Topics for this Week
* PTG reminder (ildikov)
* * * it's coming u, Sep 10th is the sign-up deadline, the PTG will be the week of Oct 26th * we need to start planning the typical 9-10 hours as the last time - Mon/Tue late EST, Thu early EST + 1 joint session * AR: Ildiko will send out a poll to get a feel for which time blocks are preferred by folks * we have time to sort out the list of topics that we'll discuss * Ildiko also reminded us that the forum submissions will be due soon
* stx.3.0 cherry-picks pending
* * still at 5 LPs pending cherry-pick or rationale why it's not required
* stx.4.0 Release Retrospective
* Docs * per Mary, it generally went well - some chasing, but developers were responsive
* Build * some issues around build layering introduction * ideally we'd have a CENGN replica environment and/or the ability for a developer to instantiate their own CENGN-like environment * there are some loose ends to tie up related to build layering, Scott hopes to do these in the stx.5.0 timeframe * some questions around whether build changes would be required for Multi-OS - need to bottom out where Multi-OS is at & what build changes will be required; AR: Scott will poke into this at the Multi-OS meeting
* Python 3 * build team has been having to jump through hoops to accomodate the fact that we're in a state of supporting Python 2 and Python 3 * need to get everything on to Python 3, which is at risk since this feature is not staffed currently
* Test * AR: Nic & Yang to provide some input from the test perspective * Ildiko asked if we have automation enhancements planned for stx.5.0 that would help reduce the interval for testing things, like, say, the OpenStack rebase
* OpenStack * AR: Yong to say what the plan is - how soon can they start & do we feel like the lessons learned from stx.4.0/Ussuri will help us land Victoria more comfortably
* ARs from Previous Meetings
* Aug 19: * Build team to look into the option of manually pulling down the images periodically within a 6 month period * Scott investigating - pending this, we'll know whether we think we'll have to go with the paid option
* Open Requests for Help * didn't get to this this week
* Build Matters (if required) * nothing this week
-----Original Message----- From: Zvonar, Bill Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 8:51 AM To: Subject: Community (& TSC) Call (August 26, 2020)
Hi all, reminder of the TSC/Community call coming up later today.
Please feel free to add items to the agenda [0] for the community call - we'll resume the stx.4.0 release retrospective that we started last week.
[0] etherpad: [1] call details: [2] meeting start time in various time-zones:
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