Etherpad: Minutes from the community call May 31, 2023 Standing topics - Build - Main Branch Debian Builds - Builds are good; only one failure due to a networking env issue. - stx.6.0 Weekly RC Builds - Green - Build Output: - stx.7.0 Weekly RC Builds - stx-nova still not able to build - ongoing discussion on the mailing list: - Have agreement with Greg, Douglas, Scott Kamp that the container images are not needed for stx.7.0 - Decision is to turn them off - Build Output: - stx.8.0 Weekly RC Builds - Green - Build Output: - Transition from CENGN - Build team is working on transitioning the builds to WR infrastructure as CENGN will no longer be able to host the StarlingX builds. - Timing: Tentatively end-July / early-Aug - Status: - Able to build Debian: the main branch builds (iso+container) as well as stx.8.0 RC builds. - All mirror jobs are also working - Working w/ WR IT on publicly posting build results << still under discussion - Sanity - Debian Main Branch Platform Sanity - Last sanity email sent on May 31: - Status: Green for SX and DX - Debian Main Branch stx-openstack Sanity - Last sanity email sent on May 30: - Status: Red - LP: - Issue introduced by a recent up-version to python3-yaml; team is actively working on a solution / code review in progress - Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention - tools repo reviews - Virtual Env Setup - - Core reviewers have not been active in reviewing the code - The changes are isolated and should be low risk - Suggestions - Ghada suggested to add a note to the review w/ @<core-reviewer> - Ildiko suggested to grow the core reviewer community - Davlet suggested to split the tools repo into smaller repos as right now it's a mixed bag - Action: Davlet to start the discussion on the mailing list and move this forward - From previous meetings: Fixes to libvirt env: - Review comments provided in Nov; still waiting for author (Scott Kamp) to respond/address review comments - Jan 18: Some activity in the review as of Jan 15 - Feb 1: Alternative fix proposed on Jan 18; waiting for ScottK's review - Feb 15: ScottK is going back to this - Mar 22: Next action is w/ ScottK; As per today's meeting, he'll be looking at the comments - Apr 11: Review is still open. Next action is w/ ScottK (the author) - May 4: ScottK lost his setup, so needs to recover the review - Reference Links: - Active Branch (open): - Active Branch (merged): Topics for this week - stx.9.0 Milestone-2 Declared - - Release Dates - Milestone-3 - 8/23/2023 - Feature Test Complete - 9/20/2023 - Regression Test Start - 8/30/2023 - Regression Test Complete - 9/20/2023 - RC1 - 9/27/2023 - Final Regression Complete - 10/11/2023 - Release - 10/18/2023 - Restarting the containers subproject meeting? - Action: Bruce to send the question to the mailing list to see if there is any interest in restarting the meetings ARs from Previous Meetings - github Mirroring - Action: Greg to review the requirements for github mirroring to confirm if it's required for all repos or just a subset to meet k8s conformance requirements. - ARM Support - Action: Scott Kamp to respond to Jackie/the mailing list provide assistance/access to some arm machines - Action: Scott Little to respond regarding build questions - Cannot mirror more files on CENGN; will need to wait until we transition away from CENGN - Action: Scott Kamp to explore providing a hosting env temporarily - Under discussion in the OS subproject meeting - Jackie is donating hardware, but it needs to be managed by someone - No plan to publish images to dockerhub/starlingx until they are part of the official build infrastructure - StarlingX Subproject Meetings Update - Action: Scott Little to confirm w/ Mike Matteson on the build meeings - Scott is sugesting to cover build topics as part of the OS-distro meeting. Scott to discuss with the PL/TL. - Action: Chris Friesen to provide an update on the containerization meetings - Bruce will follow up on whether to restart the containerization meetings on the mailing list Open Requests for Help - Issue w/ pxebooting a second node on StarlingX - Question raised on the community call (Apr 26) by Kevin - The initial node installs/boots correctly, but but an identical second node doesn't. This setup is using vmare to run StarlingX in VMs. - Status: Open / Greg has some information to share, but isn't sure how to get in touch w/ Kevin - Build System Setup - Question was posted on IRC by Kevin - StarlingX documentation has a lot of outdated information. It took a lot of digging to find the right documentation for setting up a build env with minikube. - Requested that Kevin open an LP to the doc team and/or send an email to the mailing list w/ more details to the mailing list - Status: Open / No email sent to the mailing list yet. Unsure if LP was opened. - Support for StarlingX 8 setup bring up - Reported by Prashanthi - Email thread: - Status: Open / Discussion is active on the mailing list. Greg providing assitance. The issues are related to date/time issues on servers being setup as well as firewall issues